Friday, July 26, 2013

Keeping Your Teen Safe for Summer

I know Summer is almost over but it's still not too late to be thinking about this topic. The busier you can keep your child, doing positive activities, the less trouble they can get into and the more relaxed you will feel. You can talk your teen about getting a job for the Summer or volunteering at the local animal shelter or children's hospital. It's a win-win situation, they will have something to put on their college resumes and you will be able to sleep better at night knowing that they are spending time doing something meaningful and positive. It will also means less time for the boredom that gets a lot of teens into trouble like trying drugs or alcohol. Why not encourage your teenager to try new things? If volunteering or working isn't possible, encourage them to be active outside, go for a hike, go to the beach and help around the house. Just remember that it's important to maintain as much structure as you can even when school's out. offers many different ideas for things for families in LA to do!

Do you remember how you spent your Summers as a teenager?

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